what to do with great engineer civ 5

  1. krc

    krc Male monarch

    Sep 28, 2010
    With the ongoing discussion about Dandy Scientists, I decided it would also exist useful to hear opinions (or even ameliorate, get together facts) about the all-time apply of Great Engineers.

    I find it almost impossible to resist the lure of using a GE to hurry the production of a Globe Wonder.

    When should you lot use a GE for a factory instead? Early game? Merely when there is no practiced WW to hurry? Never?

    Should you ever use a GE to bustle production of annihilation else, like a National Wonder?

  2. 90% of the time I use a GE to rush a wonder, usually World Wonders but sometimes National ones.

    I'm sure someone volition be able to do the maths simply I guess that if you settle GE early on enough y'all will gain more hammers from him that way than rushing an early wonder. However, at that place is a caveat to that - y'all'll likely miss out on a item World Wonder anyway!

    If there are no good wonders available at the time a GE spawns I will put him to sleep until one becomes available.

  3. It also depends on what VC you're going for, the level you lot're playing at and whether you need more than production or a wonder. If in you lot're going for a quick domination game and the just wonders you really cared about was the GL and maybe GW, and then settling it to crank out more troops faster might exist a good idea. However, I'd likely apply it to rush the GW to keep the AI from getting it.
  4. bpower

    bpower Chieftain

    Sep 18, 2011
    Playing as Russian federation I planted on on superlative of some horses in my uppercase. It worked out really because I didnt have a huge amount of hammers otherwise. If y'all get a jungle start information technology might be a adept idea?
  5. joncnunn

    joncnunn Senior Java Magician Retired Moderator

    GE: I apply them 100% of the time used to rush a World Wonder.

    National Wonders should exist built; there'south no danger in being beat out to a national wonder and losing several turns of production * like at that place is to hand building a world wonder.
    * Yeah, at that place is cash, but it's very depression return; if yous get beat out by 1 plough to Bang-up Library, it doesn't even provide the cash value of a regular library.

  6. Browd

    Browd Dilettante Administrator

    The only National Wonder that I've rushed with a GE is the NC.
  7. Unless in that location is a wonder I really demand, I never utilize the GEs to rush anything. It just seems like a waste, when the manufactury could cyberspace so many more than hammers in the long-run. I ordinarily put them somewhere where I already had an improvement focused on production, then as non to interupt my food supply. (Annotation that you have to be a little conscientious with this, as some improvements need to have the base comeback to exist virtually effective. Placing a manufactury (or any wonder improvement) will always go you your stuff, simply it wont count toward other specials (For Example: putting a manufacturt in the hills where you found Gold still gets you the tile's product bonus, and information technology nevertheless gives you the Gilded itself as a lux resource, just information technology does not still function for Mint purposes, as that only looks specificly for Gold tiles with Mines on them. Information technology's kind of dumb, but that'due south how it's set upwardly)

    If you're going for a science victory (which I usually practise) having manufacturies everywhere during the cease-game gets your space-ship parts out much faster.

  8. joncnunn

    joncnunn Senior Coffee Wizard Retired Moderator

    For spaceship victory construction time; I observe the most important thing is all base production buildings:
    (All cities that will build spaceship components volition have a Solor Power Institute if desert / Nuclear Ability Institute otherwise
    + Hydro Plant (when on river)
    + Manufactory
    + Wind Mill (when not on a colina)
    1 city will have built Hubble, the other one or two cities will have congenital Spaceship factories first.
    The spaceship factory & Power Plants volition be cash rushed.
  9. I always apply them to hurry production for wonders, really works on those which are only bachelor one time per globe.
  10. Browd

    Browd Dilettante Administrator

    This does not work for luxuries, only strategic resources. If you plant a GP tile improvement (manufacturing plant or other) on a luxury, you do non get the luxury. If y'all institute on a strategic, you get the strategic, but not the as-if-improved tile yield.
  11. The but fourth dimension I ever even paid serious idea to Non rushing a WW with a GE was when I played the Huns with a 5-sheep starting time in my capital letter. And even then, the real consequence was, I only didn't demand that many GE'due south. I was broad and I had Chichen Itza: I needed GA'southward.
  12. I always utilize them to rush WWs. I save some of them for WWs that the AI prioritizes(Alhambra, Chichen Itza etc)
  13. Simply similar with Academies, information technology would be better to plant thing on wheat or cows, and so non only does it feed itself but also provides at to the lowest degree half the food for another denizen. However, if planting on horses, later fauna husbandry, cows or sheep, make sure you have either already put up the pasture and built a stables or that you have some other source of cows, sheep or horses in that city. Otherwise you price yourself 1 production from that tile.

    Likewise, never put a mill on a hill that can exist mined, considering y'all get nearly every bit much product from the mines themselves once y'all accept all the bonuses to mines unlocked.

  14. I apply them for crucial wonders just. Early game - Petra (if the AI has the option to build it) or Hanging Gardens, middle game - Porcelain Tower, tardily game - Hubble. Other than that I settle the engineers.
    Of course as others accept pointed it out it depends much on the strategy you're going for. Diplo - blitz UN, Civilization - rush Sistine Chapel, Christo Redentor and Sydney Opera, War machine - ameliorate settle than rush (although Himeji Castle or Dandy Wall may be options if available at the moment).
  15. I only ever have a GE if I finish freedom, I tin't remember the last time I actually generated one myself. Waste of a scientist if you inquire me.
  16. I find them relatively hard to generate in the early on to mid-game but tardily-game you can afford to fill most of those specialist slots and have alot of bonuses so can get a lot of GEs out for those loftier-price tardily-game wonders!
  17. Some people similar to play a game that favors production over research. Not challenge information technology'south that mythical "optimal" play that people like to talk about, but there information technology is.
  18. The problem with national wonders is that building them stifles your growth, because you tin't settle while you're building them. And the cost scales with the number of cities you have, then it can be pretty high in some games.

    Having said that, I usually prefer WW's.

  19. The national wonders scale so they volition e'er be a "wonder investment" no matter when y'all build them. Although in ICS-way games the number of cities can outpace the number of hammers in adult cities. Which sucks.

    I wonder though (heh... go information technology? wonder? ... ok bad joke :() at that place may be some benefit to a super hammer city full of planted engineers. You miss out on sniping some of the early wonders, merely the amount of turns saved on anything trained/built including late-game wonders could be worth it.

    I've been meaning to examination it out, but haven't got around to it yet. The idea would exist a domination-oriented game and working scientist/engineer slots every bit to pop both at once, so as not to completely give up peachy scientists.

  20. Depends on the difficulty level. On easier levels, I can go the wonders without hurrying, and then I would prefer to settle them.

    Chief reasons why I will rush a wonder is if:

    - I desire a wonder in a city that is *not* my upper-case letter and it but isn't well developed. About often this is the case for a non-capital Petra, but as well occasionally for coastal or mountainous cities that I am belatedly to found.

    - In Science/Diplomacy games, I may need to blitz Porcelain Tower to time it with RA's.

    - If I am trying to finish a game quickly, I volition salvage GE's to blitz late game wonders which I won't have enough turns to build manually.

    Settling GE's into manufactories is especially helpful when:

    - I plan to get Freedom (double hammers)

    - I am Korea (science from manufactories)

    - I am going tall and/or my metropolis has very few available hammers based on the terrain

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Source: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/best-use-of-great-engineers.489231/

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